Today, february 12 is a series of bad news received.. first our vehicle broke down.. additional expenses here we come. Then when I get to office, no love bonus because they say that the resident auditor is strict.. Well, we have been receiving this year in and year out but not this time..
When it rains, it pours... This may seem trivial but this causes me to reflect on some things... But first I need to ask God to forgive me for my outburst.. Lord, Im sorry for my lapses.. for not believing.. for my lack of faith.. Please increase my faith and please help me to trust you in all circumstances good or bad.. Help me to have peace inside no matter how chaotic life is.
When we are born, we are left with no choice...the heavy burdens of sins committed by Adam and Eve are upon us whether we like it or not and even if we have no say whether we want to be in this earth or not. And so we are born in this sinful world. In order to go back to God's fold we must accept God's salvation. Im grateful that I have accepted God's gift of course and that's because of His urging and not on my own "alone".
But I have this question.. why is it that when we are born we are automatically in a bondage of sin without us making any "act" at all but in order for us to be save, we have to do an "act".. that is to accept God's salvation.
I have no answers for now.. I may not have any answer at all till I reach heaven but I just want to trust you on this one God. Help me to have more faith. Thank you for loving me despite my sinfulness and for not giving up on me.
I have no answers for now.. I may not have any answer at all till I reach heaven but I just want to trust you on this one God. Help me to have more faith. Thank you for loving me despite my sinfulness and for not giving up on me.